May 23, 2005


Frequently politician and citizens both talk a lot about freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to decide about self and so on.

Today I want to talk about freedom of religion. One thing now I know for sure is that there is lot of difference between freedom to worship God and freedom to follow a religion.So, many times I wonder by giving everybody right to exercise right to follow one's religion gives the right to other to criticize other's way or worshipping or other's religion.

What does it mean when somebody comes and tells you that your religion is not good enough so convert to our religion and we will pay you money for that or beat you up if you don't. This what goes on many places in developing nations. Many self acclaimed religious leaders lure people by showing them money, food or fear to convert to one's religion and saying that your way of worship is not right.

In my view thats when somebodies right to follow his/her religion is ceased.

Basic understanding of a free society should be not to ask anybody to convert their religion. Now there difference between asking somebody to to convert and to tell what a religion says and follow. For example, somebody telling about what bible says and what it means is different from saying convert to christianity and abonden your religion.

A society where degrading another religion by insulting or presenting it in a way followers do not follow takes away freedom of excercising one's religion or faith.

So don't ask another person to convert, ask him/her to follow what his/her religion to an extend where moral rules of society are not broken and then we all will really have freedom of religion/faith.


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